by: Taniesa Sullivan | www.TheWeeklyLedgerNews.com
CHEROKEE COUNTY- Cherokee County Schools is a Title I district, which means the school system receives federal funding based on the level of financial need demonstrated by our students and families. With those funds, the Board of Education has been able to purchase the needed school supplies, with the exception of backpacks, lunchboxes (if needed), and water bottles, for all the students this 2022-2023 year which in turn has taken a huge burden off the parents/ guardians.
With that being said there is still a lot that our teachers have to purchase out of their own pockets like hand sanitizer, paper towels, Kleenex, Clorox wipes, art supplies, dry erase markers, chalk, pens, folders, labels, paperclips, copy paper, etc. And many teachers take on second jobs to supplement their salaries on top of purchasing these items for our children.
If you would like to help donate any of these items, I suggest getting with your child's teacher or contacting the school office first and asking what they are in need of and how you can drop the items off. I know they would greatly appreciate it!
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