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Centre City Council Meeting, Tuesday, June 28

Centre City Council Members and in the center is City of Centre Mayor Mark Mansfield.

CENTRE- Dr. Kathy Murphy from Gadsden State Community College spoke at the Tuesday evening Centre City Council Regular Meeting. She asked the council what courses they should offer for the students of Centre and Cherokee Counties. “We have a laser focus on growing our campus here along with all of our other campuses, we want to increase our enrollment,” Murphy said. “We are starting our cross-country team in the fall; we are going to start baseball and softball in the spring of 2023. In our arena at our Cherokee Campus, we are going to reline the court and bring our basketball teams, both girls and guys, to play some games here in the community.” Murphy stated that they were “all in” here in Cherokee County and thanked the council for allowing them to be at the meeting.

Among other topics discussed and approved was a resolution to apply for the 2022 CDBG Project Grant, Rescue Funds will be used for the Tennis and Pickleball Courts, and there was a change order for the Aquatic Center in the amount of $5,076 to fix some issues with the baby pool.

T.J. Baker, a local Eagle Scout, was at the 4:00 pm planning meeting to discuss his idea of building a GaGa Pit at the Centre City Park. Baker is wanting to build a GaGa Pit at the local Centre City Park as a part of the Elizabeth Baker Project for the Eagle Scouts.

Gaga is a fast-paced, high-energy sport played in an octagonal pit. The more players the better. Dubbed a kinder, gentler version of dodge ball, the game is played with a soft foam ball, and combines the skills of dodging, striking, running, and jumping while trying to hit opponents with a ball below the knees.

Baker presented pictures to the Council to explain what the pit looks like and gave them a general idea of how the game is played.

The council agreed that this would be a great feature to add to the park but would have to wait until after the new irrigation system is installed, and the new sod is laid. The irrigation project could begin sometime after school is back in session. The park will be closed during a portion of the installation.

The council stated that it was a “Yes” but would need to get together on the timing for the project at a later date.

Talks of a splash pad were also discussed in the planning meeting, but the topic was tabled for another time.

There could be a new City Hall coming to Centre. Mayor Mansfield will be conducting a feasibility study and will report back to the council on his findings. The full article is available here.

The mayor also expressed that there was a lot of frustration with taxpayers about the delays in some of the current capital projects. “It certainly would have been easier if we just accepted these first bids and moved forward, getting them off of our plate, but with creativity with the concession stand and negotiations with the swimming pool, and rebidding the tennis courts,” Mansfield stated that the city saved 1.2 million dollars by not taking the first bids that came along. “There was a huge saving to delaying these things.”

During the Council Comments, most thanked Gadsden State Community College for attending the meeting. Kay Davis stated that she was excited to see steel going up at the new Farmers Market location, and how important the market is to our area. Don Cothran recognized the 8U baseball team for coming in 2nd out of 44 teams at a tournament in Pell City.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting for the Centre City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, July 12 at 5:00 pm. (WEIS)

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