~Wisdom From the Word~
Colossians 3:16-17
“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom…”
by: Pastor Dennis Dodson
Vice President/ Treasurer
Seeds of Faith, Inc., A Non-Profit Ministry
There are several principles of faith that are demonstrated in the life of
Abraham. These are found in Genesis 12:1-9.
12:1 God initiates the call. Abram was not seeking God, and neither were
any of us.
God’s call requires total separation. Abram would leave his country and
family. He couldn’t do God’s will where he was & with the people, he knew.
What or who will you have to leave behind?
God’s call requires us not to know the details of our journey. That’s why we
call it Faith. We have to trust Him.
Our faith is not blind faith. God is the object of our faith, and that means we
can take each step with confidence. You can’t skip steps. You must walk the
path before you, but you don’t have to walk it alone.
12:4-5 Your journey of faith will affect those around you. Abram leaves
some behind but brings along his wife, nephew, and servants. Others are
positively affected when you obey God.
12:7 Once you begin walking in faith, God will reveal more of His purposes
to you. You will be encouraged to continue your obedience.
What seems impossible to you, is not impossible to God. God is able to give
an old man and barren woman with children that number as many as the sands of
the sea or stars in the sky.
12:8 These principles of faith are the reason we worship.
Can you identify any of these principles in your life?