Taniesa L. Sullivan | The Weekly Ledger News | Area News (The Post Herald, Terry Dean)
CENTRE, Ala. - The Cherokee County Board of Education has approved the resignations of one teacher and one CNP worker.
The board took this action during its Wednesday, Sept. 11 meeting. The board accepted the resignation of Logan Shook an electronics teacher at Cherokee County Career and Technology Center, effective Sept. 16, 2024, and Shelby Malone an assistant CNP manager at Spring Garden School, effective Sept. 16, 2024.
The board approved the certified transfers of Jessica Rogers from elementary teacher to reading specialist at Centre Elementary School (Kaylin Lancaster’s position) effective Sept. 12, 2024, and Melissa Sliger from elementary teacher to reading intervention teacher at Centre Elementary School (new position) effective Sept. 12, 2024.
The board also approved the certified placements of Jaycie Newton from an elementary teacher at Centre Elementary School to a reading specialist (Kaylin Lancaster’s position), effective Sept. 12, 2024, and Melissa Sliger from elementary teacher to reading intervention teacher at Centre Elementary School (new position) effective Sept. 12, 2024.
In other business, the board:
-Approved the classified transfer of Krista Christopher from CNP worker at Centre Elementary School to county-wide special education paraprofessional-pending verification of required qualifications (new position) effective Sept. 30, 2024.
-Approved the classified placements of Adrea Jones, federal programs school social worker (Sarah Richardson’s position) effective Nov. 15, 2024, and Leah Maddox from assistant CNP manager at Spring Garden School (Shelby Malone’s position) pending background check, effective Sept. 16, 2024.
-Approve contract positions including Anne Miller, certified tutor-temporary/part-time position at Centre Middle School, effective Oct. 1, 2024 (pending budget approval); Savana Black as CNP supper worker, effective Oct. 1, 2024; Katie Odom as CNP supper worker (effective Oct. 1, 2024; Tesha Wood, CNP supper worker, effective Oct. 1, 2024, and 21st Century/Title Contract employment.
-Approved supplemental pay for Derrick Hooper, bush hogging at Cherokee County Career and Technology Center, $200, funded by a local school.
-Approved 2024-2025 supplemental revision/addition, removing Katherine Johnson as girls track coach of $2,237 and reassigning to Matthew Wheeler for $3,886 and Shawn Turner, Cherokee County High School Football for $1,500 to be funded by CCHS Football.
-Approve 2024-2025 substitute renewals of Kathryn Banks, Heather Elrod, Madison Ham, and Kimberly Stephenson.
-Approved 2024-2025 new substitutes including Olivia Baker, Rita Bobbitt, Devon Chodos, Emilee Crane, Danielle Dwyer-Harris, Cynthia King, Carole Kovac-DeMarco, Mariah Lewis, Brylie McDaniel, and April Roberts.
-Approved 2024-2025 volunteers including Kay Kellen-Extended Family staff and Darren Andre Covington, Cherokee County High School Basketball (pending background clearance).
-Approved a leave of absence for Deanna Reed, special education paraprofessional at Centre Middle School.
-Reviewed current job postings including an elementary teacher at Centre Elementary School, a child nutrition worker –seven hours at Centre Elementary School, a speech-language pathologist-extended leave certified sub at Centre Elementary School, TEAMS Math Teacher (internal posting) county-wide; TEAMS Science teacher (internal posting) county-wide, a certified elementary tutor-temporary/part-time position (two positions) at Sand Rock School and a certified secondary tutor-temporary part-time position at Sand Rock School.