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Weekly Wisdom from the Word by Pastor Dennis Dodson: God Came Down!

By: Pastor Dennis Dodson

Vice President/ Treasurer

Seeds of Faith, Inc., A Non-Profit Ministry

Colossians 3:16-17

“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom…”

In Genesis 28 we see conniving, lying Jacob get blessed by God. All the

promises given to Abraham would be passed down to Jacob. He had traded his

brother Esau a bowl of soup for his birthright. He had dressed up as his brother and

stolen his blessing. Now, God makes eternal promises to this deceitful man

concerning all families of the earth. We are blessed through the line of Abraham,

Isaac, and Jacob because Christ came through this family.

Jacob leaves to find a wife and flees from Esau who has determined to kill

him. He spends the night in a certain place and has a dream. In the dream, there is a

ladder that touches the earth and extends into the heavens. God is standing at the

top of the ladder. He controls who comes and goes. There are angels ascending and

descending on the ladder. Ministering spirits.

Jacob awakens to say surely the Lord was in this place and I knew it not. To

understand the significance of the dream we go to John 1:51. Nathaniel testifies

that Jesus is the Son of God, the One the Old Testament promised would come, the

Messiah. Jesus says that Nathaniel will see heaven open, and the angels of God

ascending and descending upon Him. Jesus says I am the Ladder.

What does a ladder do? It connects two places that are on different levels.

Like heaven and earth. In Genesis 11, men tried to build a tower (staircase, ladder-

all meanings of the Hebrew word) to reach into the heavens. The Tower of Babel.

They were unsuccessful.

Men can’t reach God due to our sinfulness. That is why God came down.

Jesus is the ladder, the only way to get to a holy God. Jesus has bridged the gap

between us and God. You don’t have to remain in condemnation. We approach Him

in faith believing in the sacrifice, He gave of himself. We believe He was buried

and rose again on the third day. He offers eternal life to sinful people like me, you, and


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