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The Weekly Ledger, Demand For Digital

By: Taniesa Sullivan

To quote Ray Glenn - "Newspapers are not dead, far from it. We’re consolidating, collaborating, working smarter, for sure. Embracing the digital revolution and all its advantages, absolutely. But not dead; in fact, the public's thirst for news is unprecedented and we are meeting the demand in new and innovative ways."

No, we’re not dead, we are constantly changing for the better.

The Weekly Ledger changed its delivery on Friday, March 4 to fully digital. Readers would have had to access the digital site that day for current news, advertising and features such as comics and puzzles which might have left you feeling a bit lost.

I know how you feel, I’m old school, too. I like having a printed edition in my hands. The feeling of something tangible, there is simply nothing like it. As a little girl, I started reading newspapers, the comics at first, then eventually on to news stories that I could comprehend.

Well then, why are we and our industry changing?

Do you have a newspaper in your hands or sitting next to you? Do you have a smartphone in your hands, laptop, or tablet sitting next to you?

If you answered “no” to the first question and “yes”, possibly “yes, yes, yes”, to the second, you know where this is going. It’s a matter of demand, and when the digital revolution began as a bullet train leaving the station, the choice was for newspapers to work together and jump aboard the digital train, or parish.

In August, when we began The Weekly Ledger, we knew the tangible newspaper was only a temporary thing and that we would be converting to fully digital. Our hope was that print would last a little longer, but the train caught up with us and we had no other option but to go ahead and completely convert in March.

Our news and advertising is daily seen around the world and we are growing by leaps and bounds.

You can find our digital newspaper at www. and on, Twitter @TheWeeklyLedger and

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