Taniesa L. Sullivan | The Weekly Ledger News | WEIS
MCCORD'S CROSSROADS, Ala. - McCord’s Crossroads Homemakers Club's Chili Cook-off and Supper is set for Saturday, February 25. The chili cook-off will be located at the Hopewell Community Center at McCord's Crossroads.
Competitors are asked to please have their chili to the Hopewell Community Center by 12 p.m. central time with a $5 entry fee for judging. Awards for first, second, and third place as well as a People’s Choice.
Eat-in Chili Supper will start at 4 p.m. central time. The meal will be $8 for chili with fixings, cornbread/crackers, drink, and dessert, and $10 for all-you-can-eat chili. Carry-out will be $8 for 16 oz. or $10 for a quart, Chili only. Everyone is welcome to come to sit a spell and visit with their friends and neighbors while enjoying some delicious chili.
For more information, please contact Odessa @ 256-310-9328.
Chili Cook-off is sponsored by McCord’s Crossroads Homemakers Club.