From the Centre Police Department-
For the past two months, Centre Police Department has generated 138 new cases and seventy arrests have been made on these cases resulting in 122 charges; of these 122 charges forty-nine stemmed from Drug/Narcotic Violations, another twenty-six charges were Drug Equipment Violations.
Twenty-seven of those charges were Controlled Substance (two Trafficking charges are included in this number) resulting in the removal of 1.47 lbs of Methamphetamine and 1 gram of Heroin from our community. Â Â Five separate charges involved Illegal Possession of Prescription Drugs. Eleven of those charges were the Possession and/or Trafficking of Marijuana, resulting in the apprehension of 4.66 lbs of Marijuana. Those remaining 6 charges were directly related to drug arrests such as Public Intox, Driving Under the Influence of drugs, Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Arrest, etc.
During this time, the Centre Police Department has also issued 271 warnings and tickets and worked fifteen wrecks.Â
***And a reminder, this is only for the past 2 months and only a fraction of our cases.