By: Pastor Dennis Dodson
Vice President/ Treasurer
Seeds of Faith, Inc., A Non-Profit Ministry
Colossians 3:16-17
“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom…”
The book of Hebrews is called the Faith chapter by many commentators.
The “Roll Call of the Heroes of Faith”, my Bible notes. First, let’s discuss a few
things about faith.
Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). In order to be
saved we must come in faith believing that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and
raised again on the third day (I Corinthians 15:1-4). When we truly believe, we have
saving faith. Once we place our faith in Christ, we are still expected to be people of
faith if we want to please God. We are to obey His commands and keep His Word.
In faith, we accept the Word of God as true, and this is displayed in our lives by
the way we live. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to empower us and teach us, but we
still must, in faith submit to Him daily. What does this look like? Faith becomes
action. We have many examples in Hebrews 11.
Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. Noah moved with fear and
prepared an ark. Abraham went out not knowing where he was going, sojourned in
a land that had been promised to his descendants, and offered up Isaac upon the
altar. Jacob worshiped. Joseph gave a commandment about returning his bones to the
Promised Land. Moses refused to be identified with the Egyptians, chose to suffer
instead, forsook Egypt, and lived as though he could see the invisible God. He kept
the Passover, built the Tabernacle, and anointed it and Aaron, along with his sons,
with blood. By faith, they passed through the Red Sea. By faith, the walls of Jericho
fell down.
Many people say faith is unseen. We do have faith in a God that we are
unable to see right now, but what God does is very visible. The work God is doing
should be able to be seen in our lives. What could be said about your life
concerning faith? Do you have saving faith? If so, what does that look like on a
daily basis?