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Weekly Wisdom from the Word by Pastor Dennis Dodson: Send Me

Writer's picture: The Weekly LedgerThe Weekly Ledger

By: Pastor Dennis Dodson

Vice President/ Treasurer

Seeds of Faith, Inc., A Non-Profit Ministry

Colossians 3:16-17

“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom…”

In Isaiah 6, we see that King Uzziah has died. The earthly throne was empty,

but Isaiah sees the Lord sitting high and lifted up, and the train of his garment fills the

temple. Above it stood two seraphim, each having 6 wings, and they are crying

out in praise to God. Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full

of his glory. The whole temple was shaken by the worship and praise that was

taking place in this heavenly scene. First, we need to understand that regardless of

the leadership in our nations, whether present or absent, God is always sitting on

his throne.

This vision of the Lord causes Isaiah to realize that he is undone. He is a

man of unclean lips and he dwells with people who are unclean. One of the seraphim

comes and touches his lips, taking away his iniquity, and purging his sins.

Immediately the Lord asks, whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Isaiah

replies, Here I am send me!

When we get a proper vision and understanding of the Lord, we will

understand our place in the universe. We are created beings, fallen creatures. Sin

has entered the world and we carry that sinful nature. We must acknowledge that we

are people of unclean lips and dwell with others who are unclean. None are righteous

(Romans 3:10). We all need salvation.

Jesus Christ came to offer us salvation as a gift. He by himself purged our

sins (Hebrews 1:3). This happened through the events surrounding his

substitutionary death, burial, and rising from the dead after three days. Salvation

only comes by Grace and through faith believing the Gospel of truth.

Once we come to believe what Jesus has done for us, the question remains.

Who will go and witness this great salvation that is available to all men? Who will give

glory to God by the way they live their lives on a daily basis? Who is willing to be

sent as a witness for Christ? Will you say, as Isaiah did, Here I am Send Me?

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