The Cherokee County Regular School Board meeting is set to be held Monday, July 18 at 8:30 AM.
The meeting will be held at the Cherokee County Board of Education Central Office Board Room located at 130 East Main Street, Centre, Alabama 35960.
1. Call to Order
2. Opening Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Welcome
5. Public Comments
6. Roll Call - Establishment of a Quorum
7. Proper Procedures for Board Meeting Notification
8. Adopt Agenda
9. Approve June 8, 2022 Minutes
10. Approve July 7, 2022 Minutes
11. State Examiners to Present Audit Report
12. Cenergistic Energy Program Update
13. Approve 2022-2023 Salary Schedules
14. Approve 2022-23 English Learner (EL) Plan
15. Approve Agreement with Collaborative Consulting LLC for Centre Middle School
16. Approve Agreement with Adidas for Cedar Bluff School
17. Approve Agreement with Sign Language Interpreting Services, LLC
18. Declare Projects as Public Works
19. Approve Professional Development
20. Approve Personnel Action
A. New Job Postings
B. Resignations
C. Certified Transfer by Agreement
D. Certified Placements
E. Classified Placements
F. TEAMS Contract
21. Review Current Job Postings
22. Superintendent's Update
23. Other
24. Adjourn