Booked on Monday, July 4, 2022 into the Cherokee County Detention Center Centre, AL.
Kassie Henrey, age 44 of Dalton, GA, (Two Counts) Domestic Violence 3rd, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct, Possession of Marijuana 2nd, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Matthew Doss, age 35 of Centre, Failure to Appear- Driving without a License, Failure to Appear- Expired Tag.
Jeffery Watson, age 27 of Piedmont, Failure to Appear- Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance.
Andrew Bright, age 58 of Cedar Bluff, Driving Under Influence-Alcohol.
Erby Shooks, age 57 of Centre, Failure to Appear- Under the Influence of Alcohol, Failure to Appear-Driving While License Suspended.
Joshua McDonald, age 24 of Attalla, Violation of Prohibition Law.
Sabrina McDonald, age 22 of Attalla, Violation of Prohibition Law.